Concept lattices can help spot pedophiles on the web. Researchers of the HSE's Department of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence have helped the Dutch police create a computer program that can detect internet pedophiles and even determine how dangerous they can be.
March 29, 2016
Most employees and a significant proportion of managers are not briefed on their company's business strategy, while a quarter of all blue and white-collar workers are not informed about operational management issues. While Russian businesses are concerned about employee development, creating bench strength and adopting state-of-the-art ICT solutions, they use the latter only for transmitting orders from the top down. Veronica Kabalina, Kira Reshetnikova and Olga Zelenova of the HSE Department of Human Resources Management examined Russian businesses' approaches to HR development and corporate communications.
March 02, 2016
Employees who are too focused on sales targets can ignore customer needs. Meanwhile, customer focus is emerging as a key trend in business management. Ksenia Klepneva, postgraduate student of the HSE School of Business Administration, examined factors contributing to customer focus in companies operating in developed and developing economies.
January 19, 2016
Many people in Russia know about the Dima Rogachev Centre – particularly those who have faced the challenge of child cancer. The centre is Europe's largest pediatric cancer care facility and is named after a boy with advanced cancer who wrote a letter to President Putin inviting him to visit; the invitation was accepted, and after the visit, the decision was made to build a state-of-the-art Centre for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, based in the Research Institute of Pediatric Hematology. The new centre was named after Dmitry 'Dima' Rogachev who died two years later at the age of 12 while the centre was still under construction.
December 22, 2015
Personal experience is a critical factor in the choice of destination for labour migration. Being familiar with the local language and laws and having local contacts matter more for potential migrants than the current economic situation in the target region, according to Evgenia Chernina, Junior Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Labour Market Studies.
November 10, 2015
The ability to foresee stock market trends and the potential performance of specific financial instruments is key to a stock trader’s success. Yet studies show that both traders and financial analysts often make mistakes. Lyudmila Egorova, Junior Research Fellow of the HSE International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis, applied mathematical methods to calculate which strategies can help brokers make a profit and avoid bankruptcy.
November 05, 2015
Decisions relating to student dropout often resemble a trial with students as defendants and teachers as prosecutors and judges. This approach can create barriers between students and staff and raise the issue of the university's mission, according to Ivan Gruzdev, Evgeny Terentiev and Elena Gorbunova of the HSE’s Internal Monitoring Center.
July 31, 2015
Higher education cuts the risk of poverty by more than half, according to Alina Pishnyak and Daria Popova, leading researchers at the HSE Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards. Their findings reveal that the household incomes of families where all adults are university-educated stand at 20% above the average, and conversely, in families where none of the adults hold a degree, living standards tend to be below average by a quarter.
July 29, 2015
Once unemployed, mid-level employees suffer primarily from loss of income, while senior-level leaders mostly resent the loss of respect; of all employee categories, production and service workers are most likely to become unemployed. These are some of the findings summarized in the paper 'The dynamics of subjective social status associated with loss of employment: an analysis of occupational differences', which was presented by Anna Zudina, Junior Research Fellow of the Centre for Labour Market Studies, at the Ninth Yuri Levada Memorial Conference on Contemporary Russian Society and Sociology hosted by HSE.
June 16, 2015
The current crisis in Russia is different from all others in its
heightened uncertainty and unpredictable consequences, and recent events are
comparable to the transformative crisis that occurred in Russia in the 1990s, the
Director of the Centre of Development Institute, Natalia Akindinova, and HSE
Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin said in their paper ‘A New Stage of Economic
Development in Post-Soviet Russia.’ The researchers propose four possible
scenarios for how the Russian economy might change, the most probable of which,
they posit, is a so-called ‘mobilisation scenario.’
June 09, 2015
Russian corporate raiders prefer to operate in regions with developed trade and industrial sectors, but where there are fewer lawyers and non-profit organizations, said Anton Kazun, junior research fellow at the HSE Institute for Industrial and Market Studies International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, in his paper ‘Corporate raid in Russian regions: indicators and factors’.
May 19, 2015
More reliable than a metal detector and safer than X-rays, a Terahertz scanner designed by HSE MIEM researchers allows the detection of items hidden under clothing, such as drugs and explosives, imperceptibly, without walk-through scanners and at a considerable distance. A highly sensitive THz receiver is capable of detecting waves emitted by the human body.
May 12, 2015