However, it cannot effectively motivate tree-planting behaviour
May 20, 2024
Russia has the lowest energy efficiency, while Armenia leads for renewable energy development
July 28, 2021
How to stop it and manage it
April 27, 2021
Why ice is melting in the mountains and what may happen as a result
March 24, 2020
How countries respond to weather change
February 14, 2020
How Russians are dealing with it
April 01, 2019
How the British society tackles excessive plastic bag use
March 22, 2019
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have developed a novel system for assessing the potential of renewable energy resources. This method can help to assess the future exploitable technical potential of wind and solar PV energy, as well as their capacity to replace exiting generation assets. Furthermore, it can forecast fossil fuel savings and facilitate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Their research has been published in journal Energy: “Wind and Solar PV Technical Potentials: Measurement Methodology and Assessments for Russia”.
March 31, 2017