Online job search is found to be more effective than personal connections half of the time.
November 07, 2016
Older and younger employees in Russia don’t compete for the same jobs.
September 26, 2016
Here at, we’ve summarised five facts about employment revealed by HSE researchers.
September 21, 2016
Personal qualities and experience are graduates' key assets in applying for their first job, followed by technical knowledge and skills deemed far less important by Russian employers, according to HSE researchers.
September 14, 2016
Employees of small and medium-sized businesses (SME) report low self-confidence and little motivation for professional development.
August 23, 2016
Over half of Russians find jobs with the help of their families and friends.
August 10, 2016
According to HSE researchers, the higher a job applicant's wage expectations, the more likely they are to earn a higher wage in their next job.
June 07, 2016