There are many strange things in the academic: scientists are researching street fighting math, porn studies, Harry Potter anthropology, and even queer death studies. But not all of these amazing research fields have been widely recognized.
IQ.HSE and HSE Student Initiative Support Centre announce an essay competition for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students of all HSE campuses. The ‘Russian Field of Experiments’ contest is aimed at supporting the most original and yet not particularly institutionalized areas of research. If your field of research interests is rare or unusual, tell us about it.
How to take part:
write an essay (4000 characters max) that explains the importance of the research field you are interested in and the reasons it has not been recognized yet by the global or Russian academic community. Do not forget to include your name, campus, field and year of study!
Email your essay to iqhse@yandex.ru before 15:00 on October 21, 2018.
the winner will be announced at the Lunokhod-1 Science Festival on October 27 at the Digital October in Moscow.
The winner of the first ‘Russian Field of Experiments’ contest will receive a travel grant of 50 thousand rubles for a trip to a conference on his/her research topic.