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TOP 15

STEM careers in Russia have been announced. Physicists top the list, while programmers come in at only fourth

Mathematicians took second place and chemists came third. Software developers came fourth in Russia, but top the global list. According to the experts at HSE ISSEK, this is due to the large share of manufacturing industries and a relatively small IT sector in the national economic structure.

The researchers compiled the list of the Top 15 STEM careers in Russia and worldwide based on more than 80,000 publications in industry media included in the information base of the iFORA big data mining system.

iFORA (Intelligent Foresight Analytics) is a big-data analysis system developed by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK). The iFORA information base contains over 500 million documents, including scientific publications, patents, regulatory frameworks, market analytics, and more.

Top 15 STEM careers worldwide (career relevance index*, 2021, dynamics in five years)
Top 15 STEM careers in Russia (career relevance index*, 2021, dynamics in five years)

 * The career relevance index shows the relative occurrence of careers in sources for the period 2017–2021, where 1 corresponds to the maximum number of references.

Author: Svetlana Saltanova, January 20, 2022