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Regular version of the site
Why Objectively and Subjectively Poor Russians Are Different
December 21, 2019
…and other reasons why people hit the streets
August 22, 2019
Russians adopt western values but see them in their own way
August 13, 2019
How the family supports the culture of volunteering
July 23, 2019
Start a family, make music, build a dacha
June 20, 2019
Wealth and income distribution in Russia compared to other countries
May 28, 2019
People's opportunities in Russia compared to other countries
May 28, 2019
Who are its members and how do they spend their money?
May 23, 2019
Examining Population and Power through the Lens of Online Petitions
May 14, 2019
How Russians are dealing with it
April 01, 2019
The Sociology of Moving in a Mob
March 11, 2019
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