IQ.HSE continues the tradition of saying goodbye to the old year in figures. Below are 19 facts from the HSE University research that we shared in 2019.
of Russians have taken out loans. This is the smallest proportion over the last decade, with the exception of 2009 (19%). The share of household loans among the Russian population is lower than in the U.S. (three times), the European Union (two times) and the average across OECD countries (2.5 times).
of Russians do not sort their waste and are not planning to do so in the near future. Those surveyed say that, in order to being sorting waste, they would need containers installed near their places of residence and a guarantee that the sorted waste would be recycled.
is the average percent increase in employees’ income as a result of their foreign language skills. In 2008-2017, the percent of Russians who spoke at least one foreign language was 20%, while in European countries, at least two-thirds of the population do.
of online petitions started by residents of Central Russia get results. That is true for only 2% of online petitions in the Far East, and 1% in the regions of the North Caucasus.
of Russian residents are subjectively underprivileged. The level of subjective well-being is determined by people’s assessment of their life in general and certain individual aspects,from financial well-being to political freedom.
of Russians focus on immediate tasks and concerns, without planning for the distant future.
of Russian teenagers feel happy, but only 35.4% of them want their future families to be similar to the one in which they grew up.
of Orthodox believers in Russia heed their priests’ advice when making decisions about how to vote.
is the share of household budgets spent by Russians on leisure and cultural events. This share has grown over the 12 years since 2004, but it is still low. For comparison, in Great Britain, this share totals 11.1%, in Austria – 10.1%, and in Germany – 9.1%.
of Russian non-profit organizations have fundraising specialists on their staff. In most other non-profits, fundraising is the responsibility of the director or the whole team. One of the roadblocks for fundraising in Russia is the lack of professional education.
is the percent decrease in the number of medical organizations in Russia from the early 2000s to mid-2010s. This is largely explained by mergers and the declining number of independent service providers.
is the percent decrease in the number of academic institutions providing doctoral programmes in Russia over the last six years. The number of doctoral students has fallen by 22%.
of teachers at Russian universities are female. This is the largest percentage in the world. The average percent of female university teachers in OECD countries is 43%, 41% in G20, 49% in the U.S., and 39% in Germany
of Russian universities are located in Moscow. One fourth of all Russian students study in one of the two capitals – Moscow or St. Petersburg
Of Moscow school students aged 11 to 16 face cyberbullying in some way: they are bullied with the use of smartphones, computers or other electronic devices
of Russians aged 14 to 18 believe that police officers are cruel. Some of the most popular negative attributes ascribed to law enforcement officers are ‘angry’, ‘suspicious’, ‘domineering’, and ‘unfair’
is the amount by which the proportion of orphaned children adopted by families increased in Russia since 2005: from 2% to 20%.
of retired people over 65 in Russia live alone. This proportion is the same as in the U.S., but lower than in Great Britain (32%). Nine out of ten single elderly people are women.
of smokers in Russia admit that they violate the law that bans smoking in public places. They primarily smoke illegally at offices or in the entrance halls of apartment buildings.