Vasily Klucharev
- Laboratory Head:Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience / International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology
- Professor:Graduate School of Business / Department of Strategic and International Management
- Programme Scientific Supervisor:Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: From Neuron to Cognition
- Tenured Professor
- Vasily Klucharev has been at HSE University since 2013.
Education and Degrees
- 2003
Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Neurobiology
St Petersburg State University
Thesis Title: Neurobiological mechanisms of emotions - 1994
Degree in Physiology
St Petersburg State University, Faculty of Biology
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Courses (2023/2024)
- Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions (Mago-Lego; 4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2022/2023)
Editorial board membership
2013: Member of the Editorial Board, Психология. Журнал Высшей школы экономики.
- 2019Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2019 (Dublin). Presentation: The N400 study of price perception
Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2019 (Dublin). Presentation: Role of the rDLPFC in prosoc ial motivation and self maximization: rTMS study
Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2019 (Dublin). Presentation: tDCS induced modulation of the feedback related negativity in the MID task
- 2018
Volga Neuroscience Meeting 2018 (Nizhny Novgorod). Presentation: Action in auctions: neural and computational learning mechanisms of repeated bidding
Volga Neuroscience Meeting 2018 (Nizhny Novgorod). Presentation: NEUROSCIENCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE: THE GROWING LINK
- 2017Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2017 (Toronto). Presentation: Fronto-parietal coupling of brain rhythms during third-party punishment
- Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2017 (Toronto). Presentation: Short-term plas-c changes in the primary sensory cortex elicited by monetary
- Society for NeuroEconomics Conference 2017 (Toronto). Presentation: Transcranial magne-c s-mula-on of the right DLPFC modulates both risk aversion and probability weigh-ng
- Article Ntoumanis I., Sheronova Y., Davydova A., Dolgaleva M., Jaaskelainen I., Kosonogov V., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Deciphering the neural responses to a naturalistic persuasive message // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2024. Vol. 121. No. 43. Article e2401317121. doi
- Chapter Монахова Э., Morozova A., Городничева Ю. М., Zinchenko O., Moiseeva V., Klucharev V. ERP Correlates of the Semantic Violations in the Deepfakes Containing Disinformation Regarding COVID-19: Pilot Study, in: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN). IEEE, 2024. doi doi
- Chapter Монахова Э., Городничева Ю. М., Zinchenko O., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Event-Related Potentials in Response to Fake News Correction: Pilot Study, in: 2024 Sixth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN). IEEE, 2024. doi P. 124-127. doi
- Article Rakhmankulova Z., Efimov K., Kadieva D., Ntoumanis I., Panidi K., Kuskova O., Klochkova Y., Kosonogov V., Shestakova A., Klucharev V., Jaaskelainen I. Impact of audio and video narratives describing financial successes and failures on risk-taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task // Cognition, Brain, Behavior. An Interdisciplinary Journal. 2024. Vol. 28. No. 2. P. 137-182. doi
- Article Gorin A., Kuznetsova L., Kislov A., Levchenko E., Klucharev V., Moiseeva V., Yurchenko A., Luzhin A., Galkina N., Shestakova A. Neural correlates of the non-optimal price: an MEG/EEG study // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2024 (in press)
- Article Ksenia Panidi, Alicia N Vorobiova, Matteo Feurra, Vasily Klucharev. Posterior parietal cortex is causally involved in reward valuation but not in probability weighting during risky choice // Cerebral Cortex. 2024. Vol. 34. No. 1. Article bhad446. doi
- Article Монахова Э., Городничева Ю. М., Морозова А. Н., Шестакова А. Н., Моисеева В. В., Ключарёв В. А. Доверие к манипулятивной информации: от восприятия к принятию решений // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2024. № 3 doi
- Article Dimitri Bredikhin, Germanova K., Nikulin V., Klucharev V. (Non)-experiencing the intention to move: On the comparisons between the Readiness Potential onset and Libet's W-time // Neuropsychologia. 2023. Vol. 185. Article 108570. doi
- Article Timokhov V., Zinchenko O., Klucharev V. An Investigation of Neural Dynamics of the Prefrontal Cortex in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty // IEEE Explore. 2023 doi
- Article A. G. Davydova, J. P. Sheronova, V. V. Kosonogov, A. N. Shestakova, V. A. Klucharev. Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Studies of Cognitive Dissonance in Decision Making // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 2023. Vol. 53. No. 2. P. 247-256. doi
- Article Кислов А., Горин А., Константиновский Н., Ключников В., Базанов Б., Klucharev V. Central EEG Beta/Alpha Ratio Predicts the Population-Wide Efficiency of Advertisements // Brain Sciences. 2023. P. 1-13. doi
- Article Oksana Zinchenko, Alexey Gorin, Anush Revazyan, Vasily Klucharev. Electrophysiological correlates of third-party punishment: ERP study // Neuroscience Letters. 2023. Vol. 808. Article 137276. doi
- Chapter Монахова Э., Kuskova O., Shestakova A., Moiseeva V., Klucharev V. NEUROCOGNITIVE PROCESSING OF ATTITUDE-CONSISTENT AND ATTITUDE-INCONSISTENT DEEPFAKES: N400 STUDY, in: Психология познания: материалы Всероссийской научной конференции. Яр. : Филигрань, 2023.
- Article Ntoumanis I., Davydova A., Sheronova Y., Panidi K., Kosonogov V., Shestakova A., Jaaskelainen I., Klucharev V. Neural mechanisms of expert persuasion on willingness to pay for sugar // Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2023. Vol. 17. Article 1147140. doi
- Article Davydova A., Julia Sheronova, Kosonogov V., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Neurochronometry of choice-induced preference changes: when do preferences actually change? // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2023. Vol. 17. Article 1222068. doi
- Chapter Монахова Э., Morozova A., Khoroshilov D., Bredikhin D., Shestakova A., Moiseeva V., Klucharev V. Neurocognitive Processing of Attitude-Consistent and Attitude-Inconsistent Deepfakes: N400 Study, in: Advances in Neural Computation, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Research VII Issue 1120: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Frankfurt : , 2023. doi
- Article Rybina E., Colosio M., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Neuromodulation of choice-induced preference changes: the tDCS study of cognitive dissonance // Frontiers in Psychology. 2023. Vol. 14. Article 1104410. doi
- Preprint Panidi K., Гребенщикова Я. С., Klucharev V. The efficacy of the sugar-free labels is reduced by the health-sweetness tradeoff / Cornell University. Series 2311.09885 "arxiv.econ.GN". 2023. doi
- Article Kislov A., Shestakova A., Ushakov V., Martinez-Saito M., Beliaeva V., Olga Savelo, Vasilchuk A., Klucharev V. The prediction of market-level food choices by the neural valuation signal // Plos One. 2023. Vol. 18. No. 6. Article e0286648. doi
- Article Ntoumanis I., Panidi K., Yaroslava Grebenschikova, Anna N. Shestakova, Kosonogov V., Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Kadieva D., Sofia Baran, Klucharev V. "Expert persuasion" can decrease Willingness to Pay for sugar-containing food // FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION. 2022. Vol. 9. Article 926875. doi
- Article Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Ahveninen J., Klucharev V., Anna N. Shestakova, Levy J. Behavioral Experience-Sampling Methods in Neuroimaging Studies With Movie and Narrative Stimuli // Frontiers Human in Neuroscience. 2022. No. 16. Article 813684. doi
- Article Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Glerean E., Klucharev V., Shestakova A., Ahveninen J. Do sparse brain activity patterns underlie human cognition? // Neuroimage. 2022. Vol. 263. Article 119633. doi
- Article Ksenia Panidi, Alicia Nunez Vorobiova, Matteo Feurra, Vasily Klucharev. Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays causal role in probability weighting during risky choice // Scientific Reports. 2022. Vol. 12. No. 1. Article 16115. doi
- Article Efimov K., Ntoumanis I., Kuskova O., Kadieva D., Panidi K., Kosonogov V., Kazanina N., Shestakova A., Klucharev V., Jaaskelainen I. Impact of induced moods, sensation seeking, and emotional contagion on economic decisions under risk // Frontiers in Psychology. 2022. Vol. 12. Article 796016. doi
- Article Martinez-Saito M., Andraszewicz S., Klucharev V., Rieskamp J. Mine or Ours? Neural Basis of the Exploitation of Common-Pool Resources // Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2022. Vol. 17. No. 9. P. 837-849. doi
- Article Gorin A., Nedelko A., Kosonogov V., Vakhviuainen M., Moiseeva V., Tugin S., Klucharev V., Shestakova A. N400 correlate of brand associations // Journal of Economic Psychology. 2022. Vol. 90. Article 102506. doi
- Chapter Davydova A., Sheronova J., Kosonogov V., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. TMS study of the role of the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the post-decisional spreading of alternatives, in: 2022 Fourth International Conference Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces (CNN) Kaliningrad, 14-16 Sept. 2022. IEEE, 2022. doi doi
- Article Kerimova N., Sivokhin Pavel, Kodzokova D., Nikogosyan K., Klucharev V. Visual processing of green zones in shared courtyards during renting decisions: An eye-tracking study // Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 2022. Vol. 68. Article 127460. doi
- Article А. Г. Давыдова, Ю. П. Шеронова, В. В. Косоногов, А. Н. Шестакова, В. А. Ключарев Использование транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции в исследованиях когнитивного диссонанса при принятии решений // Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П. Павлова. 2022. Т. 72. № 5. С. 651-665. doi
- Chapter Кускова О. Е., Монахова Э., Шестакова А. Н., Ключарёв В. А. Современные подходы и технологии усиления устойчивости к восприятию дезинформации // В кн.: Укрепление индивидуальной устойчивости и психологического благополучия / Науч. ред.: М. А. Чумакова. 3 том доклада «Глобальный ландшафт исследований и перспективных разработок в области укрепления человека». Т. 3: Глобальный ландшафт исследований и перспективных разработок в области укрепления человека. М. : Электронное издательство «Эгитас», 2022. С. 8-37.
- Article Горин А. А., Ключников В. А., Дутов И. И., Моисеева В. В., Ключарёв В. А., Шестакова А. Н. ТРАНСКРАНИАЛЬНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОСТИМУЛЯЦИЯ ПОСТОЯННЫМ ТОКОМ МОДУЛИРУЕТ КОМПОНЕНТ НЕГАТИВНОСТИ РЕЗУЛЬТАТА ДЕЙСТВИЯ В МОНЕТАРНОЙ ИГРЕ // Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П. Павлова. 2022. Т. 72. № 5. С. 678-689. doi
- Book Чумакова М. А., Кускова О. Е., Монахова Э., Ключарёв В. А., Шестакова А. Н., Старовойтенко Е. Б., Петровский В. А., Леонтьев Д. А., Золотарева А. А., Лебедева А. А., Пащенко Т. В., Орел Е. А., Костенко В. Ю. Укрепление индивидуальной устойчивости и психологического благополучия / Науч. ред.: М. А. Чумакова. 3 том доклада «Глобальный ландшафт исследований и перспективных разработок в области укрепления человека». Т. 3: Глобальный ландшафт исследований и перспективных разработок в области укрепления человека. М. : Электронное издательство «Эгитас», 2022.
- Article Ghambaryan A., Гуткин Б. С., Klucharev V., Koechlin E. Additively Combining Utilities and Beliefs: Research Gaps and Algorithmic Developments // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 15. Article 704728. doi
- Chapter Bredikhin D., Germanova K., Klucharev V., Nikulin V. Consciously perceived timing of "the first urge to move" does not relate to Bereitschaftspotential onset: further evidence, in: 8th MindBrainBody Symposium 2021 in the framework of the International Brain Awareness Week. , 2021.
- Article Gorin A., Klucharev V., Ossadtchi A., Zubarev I., Moiseeva V., Shestakova A. MEG signatures of remote effects of agreement and disagreement with the majority // Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. No. 1 . P. 1-10. doi
- Chapter Klucharev V., Shestakova A. Neural Mechanisms of Social Conformity, in: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience 2nd Edition. Elsevier Science, 2021. P. 540-551. doi
- Article Azanova M., Herrojo-Ruiz M. D., Belianin A. V., Klucharev V., Nikulin V. Resting-State Theta Oscillations and Reward Sensitivity in Risk Taking // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 15. Article 608699. doi
- Article Zinchenko O., Savelo O., Klucharev V. Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Prosocial And Self-Maximization Motivations: An rTMS study // Scientific Reports. 2021. No. 11. Article 22334. doi
- Article Zinchenko O., Nikulin V., Klucharev V. Wired to punish? Electroencephalographic study of the resting-state neuronal oscillations underlying third-party punishment // Neuroscience. 2021. Vol. 471. P. 1-10. doi
- Article Gorin A., Krugliakova E., Nikulin V., Kuznetsova A., Moiseeva V., Klucharev V., Shestakova A. Cortical plasticity elicited by monetary losses: An ERP study // Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. No. 21161. P. 1-14. doi
- Article Jaaskelainen I., Klucharev V., Panidi K., Shestakova A. Neural Processing of Narratives: From Individual Processing to Viral Propagation // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020. Vol. 14. P. 253. doi
- Article Martinez-Saito M., Konovalov R., Piradov M. A., Shestakova A., Гуткин Б. С., Klucharev V. Action in auctions: neural and computational mechanisms of bidding behaviour // European Journal of Neuroscience. 2019. Vol. 50. No. 8. P. 3327-3348. doi
- Article Yaple Z., Martinez-Saito M., Panidi K., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Depletion of executive control during risky decision making reveals a correspondence between the reflection effect and trial-by-trial strategy formation // Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti Imeni I.P. Pavlova. 2019. Vol. 69. No. 4. P. 456-464. doi
- Article Krugliakova E., Gorin A., Fedele T., Shtyrov Y., Moiseeva V., Klucharev V., Shestakova A. The Monetary Incentive Delay (MID) Task Induces Changes in Sensory Processing: ERP Evidence // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2019. Vol. 13. No. 382. P. 1-12. doi
- Article Zinchenko O., Belianin A. V., Klucharev V. The Role of the Temporoparietal and Prefrontal Cortices in a Third-Party Punishment: A tDCS Study // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 529-550. doi
- Article Krugliakova E., Klucharev V., Fedele T., Gorin A., Kuznetsova A., Shestakova A. Correlation of cue-locked FRN and feedback-locked FRN in the auditory monetary incentive delay task // Experimental brain research. 2018. Vol. 236. No. 1. P. 141-151. doi
- Article Yaple Z., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Feedback-related negativity reflects omission of monetary gains: Evidence from ERP gambling study // Neuroscience Letters. 2018. Vol. 886. P. 145-149. doi
- Chapter Rybina E., Colosio M., Klucharev V. Influence of cathodal and anodal tDCS of the pMFC on choice-induced preference changes, in: Восьмая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: тезисы докладов. М. : Институт психологии РАН, 2018. P. 893-895.
- Article Colosio M., Rybina E., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Neural Mechanisms of Post-Decisional Spreading of Alternatives // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2018. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 606-614. doi
- Article Yaple Z., Martinez-Saito M., Novikov N., Altukhov D., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Power of Feedback-Induced Beta Oscillations Reflect Omission of Rewards: Evidence From an EEG Gambling Study // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2018. Vol. 18. P. 1-11. doi
- Preprint Colosio M., Rybina E., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Of The Medial Frontal Cortex Modulates Choice-Induced Preference Changes / Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ. Series WP BRP "PSYCHOLOGY". 2018. doi
- Book Ключарёв В. А., Никогосян К. С. Зеленая инфраструктура городской среды: современное состояние и перспективы развития: Сборник статей II международной научнопрактической конференции. ООО "Конверт", 2018.
- Article Зинченко О. О., Белянин А. В., Ключарёв В. А. Нейробиологические механизмы поддержания социальной нормы справедливости: обзор междисциплинарных исследований // Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П. Павлова. 2018. Т. 68. № 1. С. 16-27.
- Preprint Nedelko A., Лупова О. А., Gorin A., Kuznetsova A., Klucharev V., Shestakova A. AN ANALYSIS OF BRAND ASSOCIATION PERCEPTION USING N400 EVOKED POTENTIAL / Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ. Series WP BRP "PSYCHOLOGY". 2017. No. 77.
- Article Zinchenko O., Klucharev V. Commentary: The Emerging Neuroscience of Third-Party Punishment // Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2017. No. 11. P. 1-3. doi
- Article Zubarev I., Shestakova A., Klucharev V., Ossadtchi A., Moiseeva V. MEG Signatures of a Perceived Match or Mismatch between Individual and Group Opinions. // Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2017. Vol. 10. No. 11. P. 1-9. doi
- Chapter Rybina E., Colosio M., Klucharev V. Modulation of choice-induced preference changes using tDCS, in: Когнитивная наука в Москве: новые исследования. Материалы конференции 15 июня 2017 г. Буки Веди, 2017. P. 462-466.
- Article Colosio M., Shestakova A., Nikulin V., Evgeny Blagovechtchenski, Klucharev V. Neural mechanisms of cognitive dissonance (revised): An EEG study // Journal of Neuroscience. 2017. Vol. 37. No. 20. P. 5074-5083. doi
- Article Yaple Z., Martinez-Saito M., Feurra M., Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates risky decision making in a frequency controlled experiment // eNeuro. 2017. P. 1-10. doi
- Article Ключарёв В. А. Свобода воли: Нейроэкономический подход // Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П. Павлова. 2017. Т. 67. № 6 (in press)
- Chapter Zinchenko O., Klucharev V. Neurobiological mechanisms of social punishment, in: Materials of the IEEE International Symposium «Video and Audio Signal Processing in the Context of Neurotechnologies». СПб. : ООО "Издательство ВВМ", 2016. P. 47-49.
- Article Huber R., Klucharev V., Joerg R. Neural correlates of informational cascades: brain mechanisms of social influence on belief updating // Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2015. Vol. 10. No. 4. P. 589-597. doi
- Chapter Shestakova A., Klucharev V. Social Influence and Persuasion and Message Propagation, in: Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. San Diego : Academic Press, 2015. doi
- Chapter Klucharev V., Shestakova A. Social Influence and Persuasion and Message Propagation. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. Academic Press, 2015.Academic Press: Elsevier, 2015; ISBN: 978-0-12-397025-1, in: Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. San Diego : Academic Press, 2015. P. 251-257. doi
- Book V Международная научная конференция «Психология индивидуальности»: сборник материалов / Сост.: А. С. Елисеенко; под общ. ред.: В. Д. Шадриков, В. А. Ключарёв, Д. А. Леонтьев, Е. Б. Старовойтенко, А. К. Болотова, И. Н. Семенов, В. П. Серкин, А. В. Россохин, А. Н. Татарко, Б. В. Чернышев, В. А. Штроо, Н. Ю. Новицкий, О. Н. Молчанова, А. С. Елисеенко, С. С. Кургинян. М. : Литературное агентство "Университетская книга", 2015.
- Preprint Zubarev I., Ossadtchi A., Klucharev V., Shestakova A. MEG signature of social conformity: evidence from evoked and induced responses. / Центр Нейроэкономики и когнититвных исследований. Series 1 "1". 2014.
- Article Hytönen K., Baltussen G., van den Assem M. J., Klucharev V., Sanfey A. G., Smidts A. Path Dependence in Risky Choice: Affective and Deliberative Processes in Brain and Behavior // Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2014. Vol. 107. P. 566-581. doi
- Article Ключарёв В. А., Зубарев И. П., Шестакова А. Н. Нейробиологические механизмы социального влияния // Экспериментальная психология. 2014. Т. 7. № 4. С. 20-36.
- Article Shestakova A., Rieskamp J., Tugin S., Krutitskaya J., Klucharev V., Ossadtchi A. Electrophysiological precursors of social conformity // Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2013. Vol. 8. No. 7. P. 756-763.
- Chapter Zubarev I., Shestakova A., Klucharev V., Ossadtchi A. MEG study of social conformity, in: The 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), June 16-20, 2013 at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, WA, USA. Сиэттл : [б.и.], 2013.
- Chapter Shestakova A., Klucharev V., Zubarev I., Ossadtchi A. Resting state brain activity predicts individuals’ conformity, in: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, November 9-13, 2013, San Diego, California. San Diego : , 2013.
- Chapter Zubarev I., Shestakova A., Ossadtchi A., Rieskamp J., Klucharev V. The modification of judgments in a group situation: MEG correlates of conformity, in: Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting, 27-29 September at EPFL, 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lausanne : , 2013.
- Article Klucharev V., Munneke M., Smidts A., Fernandez G. Downregulation of the posterior medial frontal cortex prevents social conformity // Journal of Neuroscience. 2011. Vol. 31. No. 33. P. 11934-11940.
- Article Ключарёв В. А., Шмидтс А., Шестакова А. Н. Нейроэкономика: нейробиология принятия решений // Экспериментальная психология. 2011. Т. 4. № 2. С. 14-35.
- Article Stallen M., Smidts A., Rijpkema M., Smit G., Klucharev V. Celebrities and shoes on the female brain: The neural correlates of product evaluation in the context of fame // Journal of Economic Psychology. 2010. Vol. 31. No. 5. P. 802-811.
- Article Klucharev V., Hytonen K., Rijpkema M., Smidts A., Fernandez G. Reinforcement learning signal predicts social conformity // Neuron. 2009. Vol. 61. No. 1. P. 140-151.
- Article Klucharev V., Smidts A., Fernandez G. Brain mechanisms of persuasion: how 'expert power' modulates memory and attitudes // Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2008. Vol. 3. No. 4. P. 353-366.
- Article Alexandrov Y., Klucharev V., Sams M. Effect of emotional context in auditory-cortex processing. // International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2007. Vol. 65. No. 3. P. 261-271.
- Article Klucharev V., Sams M. Interaction of gaze direction and facial expressions processing: ERP study // NeuroReport. 2004. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 621-625. doi
- Article Klucharev V., Möttönen R., Sams M. Electrophysiological indicators of phonetic and non-phonetic multisensory interactions during audiovisual speech perception. // Brain Research. 2003. Vol. 18. No. 1. P. 65-75.
- Article Бехтерева Н. П., Старченко М., Ключарёв В. А., Воробьев В., Пахомов С., Медведев С. Изучение мозговой организации творчества. Сообщение 2: Данные позитронно-эмиссионной томографии. // Физиология человека. 2000. Т. 26. № 5. С. 11-17.
- Article Старченко М., Воробьев В., Ключарёв В. А., Бехтерева Н. П., Медведев С. Исследование мозговой организации творчества. Сообщение 1. Разработка психологического теста. // Физиология человека. 2000. Т. 26. № 2. С. 5-9.
- Article Ключарёв В. А., Бехтерева Н. П., Данько С. Г. Электрофизиологические корреляты пусковых механизмов эмоциональных реакций в височной доле мозга человека // Физиология человека. 1999. Т. 24. № 2. С. 5-15.
Employment history
2000 – 2004 Researcher (Postdoc) at Helsinki University of Technology, Lab. of Computational Engineering
2004 – 2009 Researcher at the Erasmus Research Institute Management (Rotterdam)
from 2009 – Senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Basel, Economic Psychology Group
from 2013 – 2016 Professor, head of the Department of Pscychology, vice dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE University
from 2016 – now director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, HSE University
Field of studies/research
Neuroeconomics; social, emotional and cognitive neuroscience
Methods: fMRI, EEG, depth and scalp ERP, TMS, MEG
Educаtion and sciеntific activity
1994 High School Diploma
Major: Physiologist, Dept. of Higher Nervous Activity, Faculty of Biology, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
1996 – 2000 Postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Human Brain, Saint Petersburg, Russia
12.06.2000 PhD in Neuroscience, Saint Petersburg State University
Thesis Title: Neurobiological mechanisms of emotions.
Supervisor: Dr Prof. Natalia Bechtereva, Full Member of the Academy of Russian Sciences, MD
2000 – 2004 Researcher (Postdoc) at Helsinki University of Technology, Lab. of ComputationalEngineering
2004 – 2009 Researcher at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Nijmegen) and Erasmus Research Institute Management (Rotterdam)
from 2009 – senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Basel, Economic Psychology Group
from 2013 – Dean of the Faculty of Psychology at the Higher School of Economics
Professional activities and societies
- Member, Society for Neuroeconomics
- Member, Society for Neuroscience
- Invited reviewer, Psychological Science
- Invited reviewer, Neuron
- Invited reviewer, Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience
- Invited reviewer, Frontiers Neuroscience
- Invited reviewer, Human Brain Mapping
- Invited reviewer, Neuroimage
Major Funds
- Saint Petersburg State University’s grant for innovative multidisciplinary research on decision making: Psychological and neural mechanisms . RUB 15.000.000, 2012-2015
- FACI (Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Russia), 2012-2013. 2-year project grant: MEG study of social influence. RUB 1 800 000. 2012-2013.
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) New light on Social Influence: Psychological and neural mechanisms CHF 200 000. 2011-2013
- FACI (Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Russia), 2-year grant: Neuroscience of social influence. RUB 1 500 000. 2010-2011.
- European Commission Tempus IV programme, 2010.€ 984 000. Co-applicants: K. Kaila, (Helsinki U)., I. Pavlov (UCL), A. Shestakova (St. Petersburg U.), Y. Shtyrov (MRC CBU) et al.
- Postgraduate training network in biotechnology of neurosciences: 4-year project grant, 2010-2013.
- European Commission Tempus III programme, 2010.€ 500 000. Co-applicants: I. Pavlov (UCL), A. Shestakova (St. Petersburg U.), Y. Shtyrov (MRC CBU) et al. English Speaking Master Program in Neuroscience at S-Petersburg University, Russia 3-year project grant, 2004-2007.
Humans, Bots, and Digital Twins: Year-End Results of the Strategic Project 'Human Brain Resilience'
HSE University hosted a joint research seminar to review the 2024 results of the Strategic Project 'Human Brain Resilience: Neurocognitive Technologies for Adaptation, Learning, Development and Rehabilitation in a Changing Environment.' The event showcased the progress and outcomes of fundamental and applied projects focused on developing technologies for neurodiagnostics, neuroadaptation, and neurorehabilitation—collectively known as 3N technologies. The objective is to develop tools that can help prevent neurogenic and psychiatric disorders or alleviate their consequences.
HSE University Hosts Russia’s First Doctoral Defence in Cognitive Science
Vasily Klucharev, HSE professor and Leading Research Fellow at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in cognitive science. This was the first doctoral dissertation in this discipline in Russia.
Brain Activity Helps Predict Restaurant Sales
HSE scientists have discovered an association between individuals’ brain activity and the sales performance of a restaurant chain. A new neuroimaging study revealed a correlation between dopaminergic activity in the nucleus accumbens of participants as they were exposed to photos of dishes and the sales performance of said dishes. According to the researchers, examining the neural activity of a small group of individuals can aid restaurants in crafting more impactful menus and boosting their revenues. The paper has been published in Plos One.
‘I Intend to Establish Myself in Academia’
Fedor Shvets came to Russia from Kazakhstan, graduated from the Bachelor’s programme in Sociology and Social Informatics at HSE University in St Petersburg, and is currently studying for his Master’s degree in Population and Development at HSE University in Moscow. In an interview with the HSE News Service, he spoke about his choice of university and programme, and shared his impressions of living and studying in Moscow.
Two Worlds of Residents: Car Owners Look at Shared Urban Courtyards Differently from Pedestrians
Researchers from HSE University and St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPSUACE) used eye tracking to study how residents who own cars and those who don’t look at the shared courtyards of multistorey apartment buildings. The study was published in Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology to Look at How Fake News Affects Human Behaviour
The mega-grant allocated by the Russian government to the International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology, has been extended for 2022-23. The laboratory was founded two years ago and is headed by Iiro Jaaskelainen, a leading neurobiologist from Finland. Laboratory Head Vasily Klucharev spoke to the HSE News Service about the results the lab has already achieved and the prospects for the next two years.
HSE offers the best finance programme for foreign students in Russia
Lin Yang entered ICEF Master’s Programme in Financial Economics after completing his bachelor in the United States, and believes that Russia provides unrivalled rigorous mathematical training. Lin currently serves as Investment Director of Eurasia Region at China Railway Construction Corporation International Investment Group. He talked about the features of Liberal Arts colleges, how neurosciences help in financial forecasting, and how the ICEF alumni community is useful for work.
Cutting Edge Neuroscience Research to Be Discussed during Online Conference at HSE University
The first International Conference on Social Neurology in Environmentally Sound Conditions, organized by the International Laboratory of Social Neurobiology of the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences and Aalto University will be held online on June 21-23, 2021. The HSE News Service spoke with conference organisers and some of the key speakers in the run-up to the conference about its agenda and some research highlights.
‘To Read Such Papers, International Scholars Will Likely Want to Learn Russian’
The results of the competition for the best academic and popular science papers in Russian by HSE staff members have been announced. This competition is a new one, organized by the university to celebrate the Year of Science and Technology. 257 applications were submitted, with 35 winners announced in the academic category and 30 in the popular science one. The winners were announced on Alexander Pushkin’s birthday. The organizers plan to make the competition annual, potentially opening it up for all Russian and international researchers writing papers and involved in science communication in Russian.
‘All of the Most Interesting Research Today Happens at the Borders between Different Disciplines’
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has approved a new nomenclature of specializations in which academic degrees are conferred in Russia. The new list includes 21 new fields, including cognitive science. Maria Falikman, Head of the HSE School of Psychology, discusses the history of cognitive science, its formation at HSE, and its prospects for development.
Neurotechnology: The Decline of Freedom or New Horizons for Human Development?
On March 18, HSE University will host the international Neurotechnology & Freedom Conference, which will be held online. In an exchange with HSE News Service, Vasily Klucharev, director of the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and tenured professor at HSE University, discussed what views on the compatibility of these two concepts exist in modern science and art.
Can the Brain Resist the Group Opinion?
Scientists at HSE University have learned that disagreeing with the opinion of other people leaves a ‘trace’ in brain activity, which allows the brain to later adjust its opinion in favour of the majority-held point of view. The article was published in Scientific Reports.
'Going to HSE Seemed Like a Great Way to Pursue My Interests’
September 4, 2019 was a day of firsts for the School of Psychology and the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making. Zachary Yaple, who was born in the United States and grew up in England, defended his dissertation, 'Neurophysiological Correlates of Risky Decision-Making'. His defense marked the first PhD to be prepared at the Centre for Cognition and Decision Making and the first PhD to be awarded to an international student by the Doctoral School of Psychology.
HSE to Participate in Moscow Urban Forum
The Moscow Urban Forum will take place from July 17 to 22 at Zaryadye Park. This year’s topic is ‘Megacity of the Future: New Space for Living’. HSE representatives will participate in the forum’s expert discussions.
HSE Opens New Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience
The new institute is headed by Vasily Klucharev, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, who previously worked as Head of the School of Psychology. Vasily Klucharev told the HSE news team about what the School managed to achieve in four years, what the new institute will do and how attitudes towards psychology and neuroscience are changing.
Coursera: 'Over 70% of Those Who Enrol in HSE's Online Courses Are Outside of Russia'
A team of specialists from the educational platform Coursera visited the Higher School of Economics for the first time ever this April. The group was made up of Coursera’s Regional Manager Inessa Roman-Pogorzhelskaya, Content Partnerships Manager Nathan Hite, and Teaching & Learning Specialist Alexandra Urban, and during their time at the university they met with HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin, Online Learning Director Evgeny Kulik, and staff from the eLearning Office. The two teams discussed Coursera’s development strategy, as well as HSE’s future cooperation with the online platform.
'Sooner or Later, Someone Needed to Write a Manual for Self-management'
Anton Zainiev and Daria Varlamova, recent HSE graduates, have written a popular science book This is Crazy! A guidebook of psychological disorders for a big city resident. The authors told us why an urban resident needs to understand how their head works, how journalism can be turned into a non-fiction book, and why bipolar disorder seems fashionable. Anton and Daria also told us how and why they decided to write the book.
New Tenured Professors at HSE
On April 29, 2016 at the Academic Council meeting 25 HSE Professors were conferred the status of Tenured Professor.
Neuroscientists Know How Much You’re Willing to Pay for Something
A project developed by a group of three HSE psychology students received the award for best biotech project at the Entrepreneurial Breakthrough of the Year competition held by the Skolkovo Moscow Business School. A grant to study at Skolkovo was awarded to Andrei Kislov, Egor Levchenko, and Egor Selivanov for their work on neuromarketing technology that determines the subjective cost of a good based on electroencephalographs.
Discover Neuroeconomics, Key Science of the Coming Decades
On 17th October the HSE School of Psychology is holding Welcome Lab Day as a continuation of the Nauka O+ festival. Head of School Vasily Klucharev talks to us about what will be on display, which areas of psychology are most popular today and whether it is possible to use brain stimulation to make people conform.
HSE Takes Part in Nationwide Science Festival NAUKA 0+
It’s become fashionable to take an interest in science and research, and there are lots of researchers and academics at HSE who do in addition to carrying out research are gifted enough to be able to explain it in an engaging way to other people. You can meet them and learn about the latest research breakthroughs at the NAUKA 0+ festival, which gets underway in Moscow on October 9. Here’s an outline of what HSE offers as part of NAUKA 0+.
HSE — Mapping the Brain's Potential
Can the brain be linked directly to the computer? What areas of the brain are involved in speech recognition? What impacts on decision-making and how to other people influence this process? Can you calculate people's inclination to take risks? Participants in the 'Cognitive Control, Communication and Perception: Psychological and Neurobiological Aspects' conference, which took place September 29-30, 2015 at the Center for Neuro-economics and Cognitive Research at HSE.
lectures will be delivered by HSE scholars at Gorky Park as part of HSE Day. Lectures will be delivered in both Russian and English.
HSE Hosting Workshop on the Neurobiology of Social Influence
On August 30th and 31st, the Higher School of Economics is hosting the first international workshop on the neurobiology of social influence. The event is being organised by the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making.
Vasily Klucharev: ‘Our Brain Identifies Losing Money and Standing out from the Crowd as Catastrophes’
There are numerous ways of impacting people’s decisions, you can convince, intimidate, hypnotise, or use particular tools on certain parts of the brain. Why do scientists do this and what do these experiments show? Vasily Klucharev, Head of HSE’s School of Psychology answers questions posed by Olga Orlova, who hosts the Hamburg Score programme on Russia’s Public Television Channel.
HSE Scholars Co-author International Encyclopaedia of the Brain
HSE Scholars Co-author International Encyclopaedia of the Brain Vasily Klucharev, Leading Research Fellow at the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, and Anna Shestakova, Director of the Centre, have become co-authors of a chapter in ‘Brain Mapping’, a three-volume encyclopaedic collection.
Global Expert to Speak on Advances in Neuroeconomics
On March 25, Samuel McClure, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, will give a lecture called ‘Neuroeconomics: Cognitive and Neural Processes in Delay Discounting’ at HSE. Samuel McClure recently agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research and what he aims to accomplish in terms of collaboration with specialists at HSE.
The Brain Values Individuals' Own Information
When people have a choice, they can either rely on their own information or on that received from those around them. The more emotional an individual's relationship with their own data, the higher the likelihood that, when making a decision, they will be led by that rather than by other people's opinions. This also applies to investors' activity on the financial markets – as research by HSE Psychology Faculty Dean Vasily Klyucharev, and researchers from the University of Basel Rafael Huber and Jörg Rieskamp
Smart Guys Turning to Online Courses
Will internet education replace traditional universities? Where are lectures harder to give – in the classroom or in front of the camera? Would George Clooney be convincing in the role of a real teacher? The Dean of the HSE’s Faculty of Psychology Vasily Klyucharev, who conducts a neuroeconomics course on Coursera, provides answers to these questions.
HSE Postgraduate Students in Psychology to Conduct World-Class Psychophysiological Research
This year the Postgraduate School of Psychology will admit 10 individuals for state-funded spots. Those selected will attend courses that correspond with their areas of academic interest and work in laboratories using the most modern equipment.
Our New Master’s Programme Will Help You Become a Specialist in Cognitive Psychology and Neurobiology
From June 1 to August 15 the HSE will be accepting applications from Russian citizens for the English language Master’s programme ‘Cognitive sciences: from neurons to cognition’ (international students can file applications at any time until July 15). A competition for funded places is open to students with a wide variety of specialisations and will be judged on their portfolios.
Our Brain Is Highjacked by the Herd Mentality
The fact – well known to political consultants – that people tend to go along with the crowd can be explained by a brain mechanism which has helped our survival as a species. Every time we differ from others, our brain responds by triggering an 'error signal', causing us to change our opinion in favour of the majority, reveals a study by Vasily Klucharev